Snow Tours

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RAP. Ride Around the Park.

This is Ontario’s premier showcase 850 kilometre tour where spectacular vistas and the Canadian Shield await. This is a self directed turn key ride that takes away the guesswork. You book your accommodations and follow the on-trail RAP signs with plenty of amenities and fuel stops enroute.

The RAP Tour is close to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and U.S. Border States. Taking three to four days following the TOP (Trans Ontario Provincial)Trail Route or extend it by riding some of the interconnected regional trails. There’s so much to see and do in Haliburton County; everything from a floating snowmobile bridge to an abandoned railway line. Our portion of RAP is the only part of the ride that actually goes through Algonquin Park ! Stay and stage here at one of our accommodation partners.

More than a dozen snowmobile friendly communities await. Where else can you depart, ride and return to where you started. We invite you to visit and the Supporting Businesses link and start planning your RAP ride.

Click Logo above for Trail Route

Our Forest and Rail (FAR) Loop is a family friendly snowmobile adventure in the the central part of the County linking our towns of Minden Hills,  Haliburton and Carnarvon.

It’s the perfect 4 to 5 hour ride for the non snowmobiler and the curious. This 75 kilometer self directed tour features a bit of everything;  an abandoned railway line, a floating snowmobile bridge, a trail older than Canada, a short section of our 850 kilometer Round Algonquin Park RAP tour, staked and marked lake crossings, CN Locomotive 2616, an Avro aircraft an abandoned chemical plant, a world famous white water course, a sculpture forest, Mount Minden and more.

You will cross the 45th parallel half way between the Equator and North Pole all at your own pace.  There’s lots of food, fuel and accomodations enroute.  Start where you want and return.  See Haliburton from another vantage point,  on a snowmobile ! Don’t forget the camera

Numerous driveways  and intersecting
roads on the FAR LOOP

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